BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Díaz, S., Dziba, L., Prieur-Richaard, A-H, Subramanian, S.M.
Urgent need to strengthen the international commitment to IPBES
Nature Ecology & Evolution

Mul M., Pettinotti L., Amonoo N.A., Bekoe-Obeng E., Obuobie E.
Dependence of riparian communities on ecosystem services in Northern Ghana
IWMI Working Papers

González-Eguino, M., Neumann, M.B., Arto, I., Capellán-Perez, I., Faria, S.H.
Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean
Earth's Future

Sampedro, J.; Arto, I.; González-Eguino, M.
Implications of switching fossil fuel subsidies to solar: A case study for the European Union

Floress K, Garcia de Jalon S, Church SP, Babin N, Ulrich-Schad JD, Prokopy LS
Toward a theory of farmer conservation attitudes: Dual interests and willingness to take action to protect water quality
Journal of Environmental Psychology

Abadie, L.M., Goicoechea, N. and Galarraga, I.
Adapting the shipping sector to stricter emissions regulations: Fuel switching or installing a scrubber?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Villa,F., Balbi,S., Athanasiadis,I.N., Caracciolo, C.
Semantics for interoperability of distributed data and models: Foundations for better-connected information.

Roman De Lara, M.V., Sanz Sanchez, M.J. y Galarraga Gallastegui, I.
La COP22 de Marrakech confirma el compromiso mundial con la lucha contra el cambio climático

Sánchez Goñi M.F., Desprat S., Daniau A.-L., Bassinot F.C., Polanco-Martínez J.M., Harrison S.P., Allen J.R.M., Scott Anderson R., Behling H., Bonnefille R., Burjachs F., Carrión J.S., Cheddadi R., Clark J.S., Combourieu-Nebout N., Mustaphi C.J.C., Debusk
The ACER pollen and charcoal database: A global resource to document vegetation and fire response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period
Earth System Science Data

Sharifi, A., Chelleri,L., Fox-Lent, C., Grafakos, S., Pathak,M., Olazabal, M., Moloney,S., Yumagulova,L., Yamagata, Y.
Conceptualizing Dimensions and Characteristics of Urban Resilience: Insights from a Co-design Process

Michelle Lim, Abigail J Lynch, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, Lenke Balint, Zeenatul Basher, Ivis Chan, Pedro Jaureguiberry, AAA Mohamed, Tuyeni H Mwampamba, Ignacio Palomo, Patricio Pliscoff, Rashad A Salimov, Aibek Samakov, Odirilwe Selomane, Uttam B Shre
Early-career experts essential for planetary sustainability
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

González-Eguino, M., Olabe, A., Ribera, T.
New Coal-Fired Plants Jeopardise Paris Agreement

Oliveira, D.,Sánchez Goñi, M.F.,Naughton,F.,Polanco-Martínez,J.M.,Jimenez-Espejo,F., Grimalt,F., Martrat, B., Voelker, A.H.L., Trigo, R.,Hodell, D.,Abrantes, F.,Desprat,S.
Unexpected weak seasonal climate in the western Mediterranean region during MIS 31, a high-insolation forced interglacial

Medina-Elizalde M., Burns S.J., Polanco-Martinez J., Lases-Hernández F., Bradley R., Wang H.-C., Shen C.-C.
Synchronous precipitation reduction in the American Tropics associated with Heinrich
Scientific Reports

Curiel Yuste, J.C., Heres, A.M., Ojeda, G., Paz, A.,Pizano, C.,Pizano, D., García-Angulo, D., Lasso, E.
Soil heterotrophic CO 2 emissions from tropical high-elevation ecosystems (Páramos) and their sensitivity to temperature and moisture fluctuations
Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Sainz de Murieta, E.
Understanding risks in the light of uncertainty: low-probability, high-impact coastal events in cities
Environmental Research Letters

Sanz-Cobena, A. , Lassaletta, L., Aguilera, E.,del Prado, A. , Garniere, J., Billen, G., Iglesias, A., Sánchez, B., Guardia, G., Abalos, D., Plaza-Bonilla, D., Puigdueta-Bartolomé, I., Moral, R., Galán, E., Arriaga, H., Merino, P., Infante-Amate, J. ,
Strategies for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in Mediterranean agriculture: A review

Zabala, A., Pascual, U., García-Barrios, L
Payments for Pioneers? Revisiting the Role of External Rewards for Sustainable Innovation under Heterogeneous Motivations

Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Díaz, S., et al.
Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES approach
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Longo A., Campbell D.
The Determinants of Brownfields Redevelopment in England
Environmental and Resource Economics

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